The Future of My Legacies, Part II

I don’t think “Without A Sound” is going as I had hoped. I’m just not connecting with the Sims, really, and I doubt at any point it will ever be done.

I need distance from the Slenders, period. I worked really hard on this legacy, and I think the problem is I need a new family to get attached to. When I started the Slenders, I got attached to Monet and Faust really quickly, and I wanted to play them. I need a founder whose future I will care about, and I have just the founder in mind.

Ross 1

Ross 2


Everyone, meet Ross Moyles. She is literally the first Sim I ever created.


With the Slenders are gone, and Without A Sound locked in permanent literary stasis, I’m having Ross take up the responsibilities of being my Sims legacy.

I’m deleting Without A Sound. Honestly, I just can’t go through with it, and it doesn’t feel right. I’m starting anew, and armed with Ross and the Marvelous Moyles, I will someday complete a legacy, and the Moyles shall dominate!

Thank you all for following this blog. The stories of the Slenders will remain up for my inspiration, and if you want to go back and read the stories through. I now direct your attention to the currently empty Marvelous Moyles blog, wish you all the best in your Sims endeavours, and hope to hear from you all in the future. 🙂

The Marvelous Moyles

The Future of my Legacies

Hello everybody.

I’ve decided that I’m going to focus all my Sims 3 legacy efforts on my “back-up” legacy, Without A Sound. The good news is that this one was founded by a Slender, so it seems appropriate to turn over a new leaf, and continue the story without completely abandoning my precious Slenders.

I’ll be following the main rule I set for that legacy, meaning that their story is told entirely through photos, with no narration whatsoever. For those of you who don’t know, the legacy revolves around Carmen Slender – from Generation Two – and her adopted daughter, Magdalene.

I hope to see you all there, and have a great Christmas!

Very Unfortunate News, Everybody

Guys, I have some terrible news. I swear to God this isn’t a prank or anything, this is legit.

The Slenders?…They’re gone.

As in gone.

As in totally not salvageable.

I was playing the game today when the power went out for about five seconds. It’s been snowing pretty hard, so I guess it isn’t that big of a surprise, but, low and behold, when I went to check up on the Slenders, the game wasn’t able to load them, and I do not have any current back ups. The last back-up save I have is from when the family was still living in Moonlight Falls.

I’m honestly upset about this, because this is the farthest I’ve ever gotten into a legacy and I was excited for the Fifth Generation. Most of all, I’m angry at myself for forgetting to make up-to-date back ups. I don’t know why I’m surprised, though, because EA games have always given me trouble, and Sims 3 has always been especially…troubling…when it comes to lags, long loading times, and game errors.

Honestly, I don’t see any point in continuing this legacy, because even if I recreated the current generation in Create-A-Sim, I was hoarding all of the Sims birthstones, awards, inventions, collections from adventures, for the final generation. For Generation Ten, I was going to have the heir make it his/her life goal to build a family graveyard and museum and put on display everything that I’ve collected. It would have been a magnificent end and a true testament to the Slender Legacy. Those collectibles vanished when the game file became corrupt.

That said, I’m not giving up on making a successful Sims Legacy. I made it to five generations, and I can do it again, and beyond.

I’m going to create another Legacy, albeit with different conditions and different founders. I’ll miss the Slenders, but it doesn’t feel right recreating them.

I do have a “secondary legacy” called Without A Sound, which features one of the Slender Sims, Carmen, starting her own legacy in Sunset Valley, but it’s really more for distraction and fun when I feel like I need a break from a main legacy. Don’t forget that all the Slender Sims up to Generation Four are available for download through the “Character” pages!

And remember kids: Always, ALWAYS have current back ups! Don’t be stupid like me!

Well, it’s back to square one, but hope isn’t lost. I’ll put a post on here when I’m ready to show you guys my new legacy!

Farewell, Slenders. I’ll miss you guys!

News Is Where the Heart Is

Nimble speaking.

Trying to get some 411 on what y’all are thinking about the blog so far. How are we doing? Is the story good? Is the story bad? Is there a story? Do you want there to be more narrative? None at all? More characters? No characters? (Although the last wish would be difficult to fulfill considering that this is a legacy…Aw, hell, I did NOT just call that a Wish.)

Also going to be showing off some other Sims stuff. I don’t really just play the Sims to play Sims, it actually isn’t uncommon for me to spend most of my time in Buy/Build mode, so I want to show off some of the houses I’ve created and some of the unaffiliated Sims and families I’ve pieced together. I care too much, I want to share with the world! So sit tight and I’ll get the next  installment of the Slender Sims up before the end of this week, but be patient – I got three essays due in two weeks and I haven’t even started any of them yet.

Curse you, real life! Why can’t you just let me go Simming? CURSE YOU!

(Not you guys. I love everyone person that reads this!)